Hey friend,
There is always one thing getting in the way of manifesting what we want…
Focusing too much on our outer world.
Most people pay too much attention to where they’re currently at and what they currently have…
And because of this, they fail to recreate themselves and their world.
They fail to understand that their current physical reality is nothing more than their previous state of consciousness objectified.
And for their future world to change, they must first change their state of consciousness.
How do we change our state of consciousness?
First, by realizing that this world and all within it is a reflection of what is happening within you.
Second, by perfectly aligning our thoughts and feelings with the reality we truly desire.
So stop relying on the evidence of the world and rely on the evidence of your wonderful human imagination.
Shut down the noise of the world, and take your attention AWAY from your current position.
Visualize yourself as the one you desire to be.
Visualize your world as what you desire it to be.
Emotionally charge that mental image with FAITH and CONFIDENCE.
And know that what you want is already yours.
With love,
Your Future Self. xx